Burns First Aid Kit


The Burns Kit offers efficient treatment for burns, scalds, and sunburn injuries that can occur in both workplace and domestic environments.
This comprehensive kit is well-suited for a wide range of industries and aligns with the guidelines of the Health and Safety Executive.

Burn Dressings4
Burn Gel Bottle1
Burn Gel Sachet8
Conforming Bandages2
Gloves1 Pair
Guidance Leaflet1


List Price ex.VAT £24.93
List price inc.VAT £29.92
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A selection of first aid kits, plasters, eye wash and hand sanitiser suitable for travel, leisure and general domestic use and in the workplace.

First Aid Kits

BS-8599 British Standard Workplace First Aid Kits

The Health and Safety (First Aid) regulations 1981 states:-

"An employer shall provide or ensure that there are provided such equipment and facilities as are adequate and appropriate in the circumstances for enabling first aid to be rendered to his employees if they are injured or become ill at work"

...The new BSi first aid kits are now the only safe and clear way for an employer to meet their obligations...

Guide to BS-8599 Workplace First Aid Kits